This is the Revolution.

What is the change you want to see in the world? What is the journey you’d like to see in yourself?

This will be your guiding light when making offers to the industry. Of course, we can’t always have the gift of telling specific stories that explore specific things but whenever you do have the opportunity, go after it with everything you’ve got.

Whether you’re baring it all on stage, or in front of your phone camera in your bedroom, or sitting at the table across from another person, you have the opportunity to share something that you care about. Whether it’s something that makes you smile or something that keeps you up at night.

Why is this important? How is this helpful for us?

By sharing things that we care deeply for, we form a bridge between ourselves and another person. Of course, if they choose to be cruel and reject us, that is a rejection felt incredibly deeply (but we’ve gotta be able to take rejection to survive in the arts, don’t we?) And on the flip side, the other person might rejoice because they have a common bond with you. Irrelevant to how they react, someone else will know more about you. Your perspective, your interests, your taste, your dreams. And the more we share honestly, the more communication barriers will break down and we can get more access to one another. And as we get more access to one another, we can better understand each other.

It is only through understanding others that we feel less alone.

When we see the hurt in others, the struggle, the hopes, the joy; this is the power of sharing. This is the power of story. I hope this fills you with the courage to keep sharing your authentic self and keep absorbing stories from others all around the world.

Revolution happens through connection.

Revolution happens through truth.

Revolution happens through story.

Honour your truth.

With warmth and kindess,

Gee, x


How to know what your archetype is.