How to film the perfect self-tape.

Self-tapes are the norm these days when it comes to submitting and securing acting gigs. From no-dialogue commercials to major lead roles. Tapes are currently being sent all around the world, and the access that it gives Casting Directors to actors is at a new height. But the self-tape process can feel daunting if you’re not sure what to do.

Let me talk you through it.

  1. Make sure you can be seen. Make sure there is lighting on your face, whether it is sunlight from a window, or from a light. Natural light is best, just for better quality on smart phones, but brilliant acting will shine through no matter what. However, sunlight is free and great quality, so use it.

  2. A camera of any sort. Smart phones are the go-to these days. Obviously, the better quality camera, the easier to see your face and all the detail of thought in your eyes.

  3. As long as your background isn’t too detailed, and it’s not moving, go ahead and film yourself. I would recommend decluttering the space behind you as much as possible. The “industry standard” is a collapsible grey/blue background that is purchasable off Amazon.

  4. A quiet space. This one can be the most difficult. But any time of quiet you can find, film then.  Most smartphones these days have decent enough microphones. A more professional set up includes a seperate microphone, and it is best if it’s out of view.

  5. Wear colours that suit you best and that suits the character. Try and put yourself in their shoes and figure out what they’d want to wear. Sometimes having a “costume box” of clothes you keep seperate for auditions is helpful. I will usually buy these at op-shops for an affordable and sustainable option.

  6. Expect anything to happen. You can be interrupted or your equipment can break. You can be disheartened. But just remember, you’d be doing it even if the camera wasn’t recording.

  7. Upload your favourite tape to an online casting profile, or however you’ve been asked to send it across. If you don’t know, ask. You don’t want to put in all this work for it not to be seen. The online casting sites, which is Casting Networks, Showcast, Casting App and Altai here in Australia, are paid subscription services. However, some do have limited free access. You are expected to pay for these profiles by Agents and Casting Directors.

  8. It can be just as daunting to record yourself as it is to perform on a stage. If you mess up a line, often it is better to keep going, so long as you have stayed in character. The spontaneity of an actor dealing with this is fascinating to watch, and will automatically make your audition different to everyone else’s.

  9. Remember, life is messy. Self-tapes can be messy. The more prepared you can be, the better. Go with whatever happens, and try not to let the technicality of it all get in the way of your creative flow and trust in yourself.

    If you’d like more guidance on auditioning and how to best pitch yourself to the industry, book a consultation with me on the GScenes page. I also provide script rehearsals and breakdowns, plus original scenes/monologues for your casting profiles to further showcase what you can do.

    With warmth and kindness,

    Gee, x


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